Purpose of APQO awards
As the Asia-Pacific Center of Excellence (COE) for quality, APQO work towards encouraging and recognizing quality
professionals and organizations. The International Asia Pacific Quality Award (IAPQA) of the APQO has been launched
from 2000. In the same year, APQO International Individual Awards has been introduced. Name of the International
Asia Pacific Quality Award (IAPQA) has been changed to Global Performance Excellence Award (GPEA) in 2010.
The purpose of the Organisational "Global Performance Excellence Award" (GPEA), the Awards for Contributing to Excellence (ACE) Teams, and the APQO International Individual Awards (AIIA) is to recognize and celebrate organizations,
teams and individuals as role models to demonstrate a commendable performance of business excellence contributing to business success, and Teams and Individuals for contributing to quality advancement and business excellence at
work place across all sectors in APQO member countries. These awards would spur and show case organisations embracing validated management best practices, quality systems, standards, procedures and processes that are proven
leading local, regional and international practices used for quality advancement and business success for sustainability
to support national, regional, Asia Pacific economic development, growth and success. The awards aim to promote the
adoption of proven or new approaches and strategies, best in class practices in various aspects of operational performance, such as deployment of 4th Industrial revolution enabling technologies, automation and data technologies,
smart manufacturing, service 4.0, digital transformation, data analytics, development of smart talents, etc., which are
driving forces for companies or organisations to stay competitive in the ever-evolving economy.
Awards (APQO/GPEA) terms and conditions
The GPEA (introduced in 2000 as IAPQA) is the only formal international recognition of performance or business excellence. The program is administered by the APQO. In 2010, the name of this prestigious global award was changed from IAPQA to GPEA to reflect the evolution in the field of quality from a focus on product and service quality to a strategic focus encompassing overall organizational performance termed performance/organizational/business excellence. The GPEA endeavors to bridge the cultural geographic and economic system gap of National Quality Awards (NQA).
APQO International Individual Awards (AIIA) were introduced in 2000
to recognize deserving Individuals.
Considering the diversity and spread of APQO membership, APQO do
not practice of naming its awards after individuals. However, would
support this when and where an individual has played a significant role
directly for APQO e.g. founder, linked directly to APQO as an organisation. This is to keep the award exclusive and meaningful for APQO in
recognising worthy role models after whom the award is named as
there are many role models all over the world.
The Harrington/Ishikawa Quality Professional Award named after
APQO's first honorary joint Presidents will for now be APQO's only
Individual International Award named after Individuals and will be presented to a deserving quality professional that has stood out and made
outstanding contributions to the promotion and implementation of
quality methodologies in the Asia Pacific region and or globally. Only
one award will be presented to a deserving individual annually, however if there are no worthy nominations, no award will be presented.
Prior to 2018 the various categories of the APQO Awards named after individuals administered by APQO and judged
by the WLHF Board were presented during APQO International Conference Awards & Dinner Gala Platform. To facilitate clarity in the effort to enhance the APQO award process and preventing any conflict of process when shortlisting
worthy winners and role models, with effect from 2018 only AIIA winners managed and judged by APQO panel of
judges will be recognised at the APQO International Conference Awards Presentation platform. This will also allow
APQO to strengthen its processes and be independent in its efforts to have a robust award programme for outstanding individuals.
All awards must have a proposer from any APQO member organisations, supported by the Core Council Member and
known to the nominee.
There are seven categories of APQO International Individual Awards (AIIA) namely:
APQO Award for Senior Leadership Commitment to Quality
APQO Award for Woman in Quality Leadership
APQO Harrington/Ishikawa Quality Professional Award
APQO President's Award for Demonstrated Excellence
APQO Special Recognition
APQO Lifetime Achievement Award
APQO Long Service Award
APQO Award for Senior Leadership Commitment to Quality
This Award is accorded to a senior leader (President, CEO, Principal, Owner, or Senior Vice President of a major corporation, Chief Operating Officer, Plant Manager, Division Manager, Partner etc.) in recognition of his/her contribution to
the advancement of the quality movement within the Pacific Rim nations and beyond.
APQO Award for Woman in Quality Leadership
The Award is an exciting celebration of talent, achievement, imagination and innovation. The Award encourages and
recognizes women whose outstanding leadership and exemplary engagement in Productivity/Quality and Business
Excellence contribute to the vitality of the local, regional, national or global community in quality.
APQO Harrington/Ishikawa Quality Professional Award
This award is presented to a proven quality professional that has distinguished himself or herself as an individual in
providing outstanding contribution to the promotion and implementation of quality methodologies in the Pacific Rim
APQO President's Award for Demonstrated Excellence
This award is presented to deserving person whose enthusiastic and effective involvement contributed to the success
of APQO projects undertaken / conference specifically from host country or to any person/s or team for an outstanding effort that had contributed towards APQO's success.
APQO Special Recognition
This recognition is accorded to deserving individuals / team whose enthusiastic and effective involvement contributed
to the success of the APQO International Conference specifically from host country or to any person/s or team for an
outstanding effort that had contributed towards APQO's success.
APQO Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognising worthy role models and committed APQO Leaders having made significant contribution to the betterment of APQO. Recommended by APQO Board.
APQO Long Service Award
Special award accorded to recognise APQO Officers/Members unstinting support in the long haul. Recommended
by the APQO Board.
AIIA 2024 Letter of Invite
AIIA Introduction 2024
AIIA Proposer of Nomination 2024
APQO Award for Senior Leadership Commitment to Quality 2024
APQO Award for Woman in Quality Leadership 2024
APQO Harrington/Ishikawa Quality Professional Award 2024
ACE is a highly participative and interactive team excellence competition designed to recognise teams that demonstrate common values and goals imparting a powerful sense of shared purpose where they combine talents and skills
to achieve new levels of performance.
APQO welcome teams from all member countries and organizations just starting out to those with more matured systems. The ACE applies to teams from public sector, not for profit or from any industry or size of organization.
The objective of ACE :
Provide a platform for competition to recognise the best of best of teams from APQO member countries. This competition process creates a "best-practice" sharing environment and fosters a healthy spirit of competition, which encourages and rewards excellence.
Why Participate?
ACE is the only international team recognition process of its kind recognising the best of best teams arising from various national team engagement activities at an international platform. The competition provides an outstanding opportunity for teams from diverse organizations around the world to come together and share their knowledge using a
variety of continuous process improvement, innovation efforts and productivity enhancement efforts. Participation in
the ACE Team Awards also provides an excellent opportunity to:
Learn & Share - study other teams and benchmark your team's efforts. Showcase and celebrate your organization's
commitment to productivity, innovation and continuous improvement process.
Benchmark and Leap - compare how your team measures up against the best of the best in teaming and commitment to team excellence from around the world. Embrace best practices and leap towards excellence.
Recognise & Celebrate - demonstrate commitment to teams and workforce engagement and recognition to motivate staff to embrace excellence and commitment to the organization vision and it's stakeholders in particular customers' satisfaction.
Team participating will receive the APQO Team Excellence Awards of 1 Star, 2 Star, 3 Star, 4 Star or Certification of Participation based on their total score.
All teams will also concurrently be considered for five special awards as follows:
Today Innovation is a lifeline for almost every organization public or private to remain competitive. To
help APQO Organizations and its members leverage on innovation, it is imperative that APQO introduce
an initiative to enables its members successfully embark and thrive on their innovation journey. To make
this a reality APQO has introduced the AIC Self –Assessment programme to help our members and their
customers / partners conduct self-assessment to understand their strengths and recognize their
opportunities for success.
To recognise organisations who achieve a score of >60% and has KPIs and good performance reported
with the APQO Innovation Class Award commencing 2019. Assessors will assess the entries. The AIC
award will be valid for 3 years after which a renewal process kicks in. Those organisations who do not
meet the requirements to receive the APQO Innovation Class will be presented a certificate of
participation. These organisations may vie for the AIC Award anytime they are ready. An application fee
of USD 300 is payable to APQO for all AIC entries.
The AIC Criteria will:
APQO International Best Practice (AIBP) introduced in 2019, will provide opportunity to GPEA Applicants to
participate at competition for recognition of Best Practices and share their best practices at APQO International
Conference held annually.
All GPEA Applicants are invited to participate in this competition for recognition of Best Practices.
GPEA Applicants submitted a “Summary of Performance” as part of requirements. GPEA applicants are requested to
pick one of the two best practices submitted (note: choice should only be from one of the two that was submitted in
the GPEA application) and you may add more information as needed as provided in the Application for APQO
International Best Practice to make the selected best practice clearer and better understood.
The submissions will be reviewed and shortlisted by a panel of assessors. All shortlisted applicants will be required to
make 8-minute presentation to a panel of assessors during APQO International Conference. The presentation will be
followed by a Q&A.
These shortlisted Best Practices will be assessed and accorded the APQO International Best Practice Award –
Platinum, Gold or Silver Award.
APQO will have these winning best practices posted on the APQO Website as part of learning and sharing amongst
All nominations are to be submitted to GPEA Secretariat by 31 st May. Best practices shortlisted to present at the
conference will be announced by 31 st August.
These shortlisted best practices will each be allocated 8 minutes talk time during the presentation at the conference.
All presentation slides should be provided to APQO by 1 st October.
It is helpful to ensure that your information in the Application for APQO International Best Practice (AIBP) is
complete and clear as assessors will be reading this to understand your best practice.
A participation fees of USD 200 per best practice submitted is payable to APQO and normal conference fees per
attendee as decided by the conference organising committee will apply.
If you have any query or need clarification please contact APQO at gpea@apqo.global.
Application for AIBP 2025
AIBP 2024 - 6th AIBP Mexico
AIBP 2023 - 5th AIBP Nepal
AIBP 2022 – 4th AIBP Sri Lanka
AIBP 2021 - 3rd AIBP Australia
AIBP 2020 - 2nd AIBP Virtual
AIBP 2019 – 1 st AIBP Bali Indonesia
In organizations, good governance starts with the board of directors.
The board's role and legal obligation is to oversee the management of the organization and ensure that the organization delivers its mission. Effective board members monitor, guide, participate and enable good management; they do
not do it by themselves. The board generally has decision-making powers regarding matters of policy, direction, strategy, and governance of the organization.
Strong ethical and fiduciary oversight by those charged with governance of a not-for-profit entity is imperative to
maintaining the members and public's trust. It must also ensure that the organization maintains its tax-exempt status
and meets its ongoing legal and compliance responsibilities.
The board of a well-governed not for profit organization, just like the board of a well-governed profit-making company, will do all of the following:
S/N Code | Categories | Weight |
1 | Board Governance/Council | 20% |
2 | Conflict of interest | 5% |
3 | Strategic Planning | 5% |
4 | Programme Management | 15% |
5 | Human Resource Management | 10% |
6 | Financial Management & Controls | 25% |
7 | Fund Raising / Dues Collections Practices | 5% |
8 | Disclosure & Transparency | 10% |
9 | Public image | 5% |
APQO Registered Office:
Postal Address:
PO Box 622
Palmerston North 4440
New Zealand
Physical Address:
Floor 1
ETC Building
140 The Square
Palmerston North 4440
New Zealand
Phone : +64 6 351 4407
Fax : +64 6 351 4408